on hot skids

toboggan rental in Hoch-Imst

A professional toboggan cannot be compared with a standard wooden sledge. The construction is an art in itself and such a vehicle is particularly easy to steer. So it's worth renting!

Mutter und Kind auf der Rodelbahn im Winter in Imst

top quality

The Hoch-Imst toboggan rental offers a large selection of single and multi-seaters for every requirement. The runners are perfectly maintained, the wooden construction is tested, and the steering is smooth. Well equipped, the descent is twice the fun!

Mutter und Kind auf der Rodelbahn im Winter in Imst

small price, great joy

Safety and fair prices are also a priority at the toboggan rental. Special children's and youth offers make the tobogganing trip fun for the whole family. There's even room for a delicious, big dumpling ..

hoch-imst ski rental - Sport 2000

Ski rental, toboggan rental - service
Hoch-Imst 11
A-6460 Imst / Tirol
Tel. +43 5412-63540


UAlm toboggan rental

Tobogganing and Hoch-Imst belong together. Just as a break stop at the UAlm is a must. During night tobogganing on Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays, the Untermarkter Alm toboggan run is even floodlit. The UAlm too is open longer during these nights. A suitable toboggan for a speedy downhill ride can be rented at the UAlm. There are sufficient toboggans for rental.

CUlinary deilghts meet winter sports

If you want to combine a tobogganing session with a winter walk, then a hike to the Obermarkter Alm toboggan run is highly recommended. On Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays the Latschenhütte is open longer. So you can successfully combine a culinary rest stop with a speedy downhill ride.

Even more fun in Hoch-Imst